
The most valuable contribution you can give is your time. We are always grateful for help in big and small ways. Opportunities include greeting audience members, handing out programs, assisting with mailings, helping distribute flyers about upcoming events, as well as helping us dream about how Kairos Alive! can reach new audiences and new places.

Volunteer Profiles

Pam McDavitt

This enthusiastic former elementary school teacher has been a docent at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts for 28 years, “Always using my hands to capture interest,” she says. She volunteers Thursday mornings at the Richfield VA session and attended a recent Kairos Dance Hall™: “It’s so wonderful to see the men singing and dancing. It’s so inspiring when you see someone who said ‘no’ then stand up and give it a shot and dance in his walker. I am so moved when I see the effort because my dad passed away a few years ago and I know how difficult it could be for him. I love when they have memories and tell stories. They are so smart and have all this expertise that I would never hear about in my life, otherwise.”

I love the spontaneity of the Kairos artists, not knowing what is going to come next and watching the creativity unfold. This inspires me in case I get slower in my body – which probably will happen – that I can trust and stay active.

Pam McDavitt

Volunteer, Kairos Alive!

Walter Griffin

The striking Kairos Dance™ dancer says it’s his lifelong athleticism that may make him look younger than his 66 years. He ran track competitively, went to college on a football scholarship, and, in addition to dancing with Kairos, he is an active founding member of a bicycling club, named after the 1898-1902 African-American champion velodrome ace, Major Taylor.

Walter is a professional documentary photographer, photography educator and a performing jazz whistler. Interested in the arts, social activism and education his whole life, he says he finds a perfect fit with Kairos Alive!

I enjoy learning new dances, entertaining audiences, and being involved in an arts performing group that feels like a family. We laugh and play together, make art together, and hug and celebrate each other.

Walter Griffin

Volunteer, Kairos Alive!

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