Sometimes, between the Dancing Heart Programs and Kairos Dance Theatre engagements, some really big days can come along.

One of these came recently, starting 9:30am at Red Wing’s Seminary Nursing Home. We had a performance/sharing with Dancing Heart participants for their families and other residents of the home based on memories from the participants’ lives. Here’s Parker interviewing, and singing with one of our dear client/friends who sang opera professionally.



After a brief lunch, we motored down highway 61 to Lake City for a Dancing Heart session with our friends there. Energy and imagination flowed freely, as it usually does.



Then we high-tailed it up to Loring Park for our annual “Light Up Loring” participatory performance. Here’s Maria leading big folk dance spiral which ended up with more folks dancing than watching,,,just the way we like it~~~!



A three-in-one day, but luckily, this work gives more energy than it takes.

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