One of my favorite poets is Pablo Neruda. I love his poem “Ode To Socks”. Socks seem to be a universal item. Thursday at the Redwing Seminary home we came in wearing our most outrageous and colorful socks. We handed out sock puppets with funny faces and yarn hair and danced to the song–“Lollipop, Lollipop”. Then the question came, the 60 million dollar question: “Where do the lost socks go?” We invited the residents to share. And then suddenly the magic of poetry, high play and improvisation entered the room. We laughed our way through colorful lines such as: the socks went down the drain, to sock heaven, the cat took them, to the land of Oz, they went North for Summer and then South for the Winter! We then set these words to the tune of “Lollipop”.
[wpvideo VlNf69fR]
It was a magical morning–all in the spirit of play and honoring what unites us all–warm, snuggly socks.


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