Minneapolis, MN, May 1, 2017 – Kairos Alive!, a pioneer in participatory art and the creative arts and aging movement, in partnership with Centro Tyrone Guzman, are hosting a series of free all ages and abilities creativity and health programs, May 18th and 20th, featuring Adriana Perez, PhD, professor in the Nursing School, University of Pennsylvania. Perez’s research focuses on addressing health disparities in underserved populations, particularly among Hispanic women. Her research has been published nationally and internationally.

Kairos Alive! is just starting a unique 1-year Community Arts and Health™ Residency at Centro Tyrone Guzman. Perez is planning to base some of her new research at Centro during the residency to measure effects of Kairos Alive! creative engagement programs to effect health outcomes.

Centro Tyrone Guzman, led by Roxana Linares, is the oldest and largest multi-service Latino organization in Minneapolis, serving more than 7,000 individuals annually through a holistic array of programs that contribute to the wellbeing and full participation of Latinos through education and family engagement.

Kairos Alive! programs are an exciting and fun family friendly mix of music, dance, story and theater – based in the latest arts and health research – which taps the creativity in everyone for
enjoyment, health, and family and community connection. This is a great way to get families together. Kairos Alive!’s research-based work, featured in the PBS documentary, Arts and the Mind, is not just fun. It also encourages personal and community breakthroughs in physical, emotional and social health.

Kairos empowers elders, their families, organizations and communities to adopt new ways of healthy living, and promote intergenerational inspiration, mentoring and coherence. To date, six Master’s theses have been based on Kairos’ work.

Kairos Alive!/Centro Tyrone Guzman/Perez Events Schedule:

Free and open to the public, family and dementia-friendly.

Thursday, May 18, 7:45 – 11:30am, Centro Tyrone Guzman, 1915 Chicago Ave, Minneapolis
Elder Health: Implications of Dance and Movement for Senior Wellbeing and Community

A conversation with Adriana Perez, PhD, U of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Gary Oftedahl, M.D., Roxana Linares, Executive Director, Centro Tyrone Guzman and Maria Genné, Founder and Director, Kairos Alive!.

Light refreshments served, RSVP to [email protected] to assure a spot.

7:45am            Gather, light refreshments

8:00                 Introduction by Roxana Linares

8:05-8:45         Conversation: Dr. Perez, Genné; moderator Gary Oftedahl, M.D.

8:45-9:00         Q&A

9:00-9:30         Coffee and conversation (optional)

9:00-9:45         Tours of Centro Tyrone Guzman (optional)

10:00-11:30      Join Kairos Alive! Dancing Heart™ session with Centro Wise Elders group (optional)

Dancing Heart™ is a nationally recognized, evidence-based participatory arts program that uses dance, music and story to engage people of all ages and abilities. This places older adults at the center of joyful community life, and has shown to positively improve the wellbeing of participants.

Panel discussion is intended to summarize the scope of current Arts and Health research on the ability of dance-based programs to affect elder health, Dr. Perez’s research interests and discoveries, and stories from Kairos Alive! field work at Centro and elsewhere. Panel moderator, Gary Oftedahl, M.D., is an independent consultant and collaboration catalyst, former Chief Knowledge Officer for 13 years for the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement, and Kairos Alive! Board Chair.


Saturday, May 20, 10:30am-12:00pm, Centro Tyrone Guzman Parking Lot, Intergenerational Dance Hall™ with live music by the Kevin Washington Quartet

This event is our highly-popular all ages and abilities family friendly revival of the dance hall as the community intersection of artistic, physical and social involvement – designed for all ages and abilities, with elders at the center. These joyful intergenerational, intercultural events are intended to promote arts participation, health education and community wellbeing.

Adriana Perez, PhD:As a nurse scientist, my main goal is to offer innovative, evidence-based exercise and movement for healthy aging. While the health benefits of the arts, particularly dance, have long been documented, effective, creative and collaborative models are highly needed. The need is especially important for diverse communities and older adults, who often experience critical health disparities. The traditional medical model is no longer sufficient. Kairos Alive! offers a pioneering, collaborative, inter-professional approach to promote health and wellness across the lifespan. I am most intrigued by the creative focus on strengths and what community participants can do, rather than their limitations.”  

Roxana Linares, Director, Centro Tyrone Guzman: With Kairos Alive! we not only enrich greatly our portfolio of health activities, but we will also be able to invite community members of all ages to join Centro’s Wise Elders. We are looking forward to hear Dr. Perez’ thoughts on how dance, movement and an increased sense of belonging to this community can help improve the health of Latino elders.”

Gary Oftedal, MD:This collaboration offers an opportunity to identify new paradigms for evaluating the impact of efforts which are outside the health care system model. It will offer new and valuable information as we move toward community solutions in improving health and wellbeing.”

Maria Genné, Kairos Alive! Founder/Director: “Dancing, singing and telling stories together is not only fun, it is good medicine! When we do this in intercultural, intergenerational communities, a range of physical, emotional and social challenges get addressed and ameliorated, and community cohesion is created. When we continue this activity, research says that elders can have fewer doctor visits, use less drugs, and have more active and enjoyable lifestyles. Children can benefit too; they do better in school and can make important connections to older adults in their community. We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Perez to the Twin Cities.”

Partial funding for these events comes from a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

 Kairos Alive! is a performing and arts education organization that empowers elders and their community to build healthier lives through dance, music, story ­– and the latest arts and health research.

More information: Brianna Ristow, Kairos Alive! | [email protected] | 612-926-5454 | www.kairosalive.org

