I’m Nancy and I’ve had the privilege of dancing with some wonderful friends at Ebenezer Care Center the past few months. I’d like to share a memory of one special moment from my last Dancing Heart:
Dancing with “Carl” to some old jazz standards, swaying back and forth, arms swinging. Carl’s eyes grow wide and I know it’s coming, a few more building swings, and I look him dead in the eye, there’s a glimmer there and now not only are his eyes two perfect full moon circles, but his eyebrows are reaching half-way up his forehead – it’s time. One last preparatory arm swing, and there I go, flying around Carl’s guiding hand in a spin that seems eternal. When I complete the circuit, we settle right back into our groove, swaying and swinging to the music that makes this aged gentleman seem as young and spry as any gallant youth….and get ready for another round.