Dancing in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Dancing in Santa Fe, New Mexico

I love dancing with people.  I always find that after the first, sometimes awkward moment, most people really love to dance. They just need to know that they are welcome, be assured that there is no “right” way to dance and experience a model that demonstrates that...
Tales of a Well Seasoned Traveler

Tales of a Well Seasoned Traveler

(Joan in Take Me Back to Hip Harlem) Joan Calof is not only a multidisciplinary artist, exploring the intersections of movement, music, theatre, performance art and storytelling, she’s part of Kairos Dance Theatre. We’re excited to announce that the book...

A View from DC

I have been in Washington, DC as a board member of National Center for Creative Aging (www.creativeaging.org). Always interesting and exciting to meet with others in the field of arts and aging. Board members are researchers, policy makers, administrators and one...
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