Two Beautiful Shows

Freezing rain turning to eight inches of snow…no problem. Piano breakdown with replacement making it two minutes before show time on Sunday…no problem. Kairos played before two very heartful audiences this weekend. The challenges of production gave way to...

Beautiful Rehearsal

Yesterday, just two weeks before opening night of the ‘Take Me Back to Hip Harlem’ show, Kairos Dance Theatre had a beautiful 4 hour long rehearsal which included generous and patient coaching and critiquing from Candace Barrett, lead teaching artist from...

Take Me Back to Hip Harlem rehearsal

We are just three weeks away from our concert series at Intermedia Arts in Minneapolis on December 4 and 5 featuring centenarian, Ida Arbeit and Mr. Smooth, Irv Williams on sax with his Quartet. Rehearsals are in full swing. On Friday we were at Ida’s Assisted...