by Kairos Alive | Aug 11, 2016 | Article, Dancing Heart™
We wrapped up a few sites last week – leaving all of us at Kairos feeling a bit heavy hearted and reflective. We wanted to share some pictures of important moments with elder friends from a memory care and assisted living – as well as thoughts from Maria....
by Kairos Alive | Jul 28, 2016 | Article, Dancing Heart™, Featured Article
Originally published on the Mardag Foundation’s website, “Improving Community Vitality Through Elder Vitality” highlights Kairos Alive’s work in Bemidji, MN during a multi-year Residency made possible by funding from the Mardag Foundation...
by Kairos Alive | Jul 14, 2016 | Dancing Heart™, life long learning
“Reach out, touch a hand – make a friend if you can.” – The Staple Singers Last Thursday, when it seemed that all the news on the radio was about the next horror produced by human misunderstanding, I found a few hours of love and appreciation by dancing...
by Kairos Alive | Jun 30, 2016 | Article, Dance Hall, Dancing Heart™, Maria
In an article originally posted on HowlRound in December, Maria Genné helped answer the question; where do older adults fit in to our world today? Today her insights form an important foundation for Kairos Alive! as we continue to dance, learn and grow. Dancing is...
by Kairos Alive | Jun 16, 2016 | Article, Dancing Heart™, life long learning
In his New York Times column earlier this week, “The Building Blocks of Learning”, David Brooks references author Paul Tough’s new book, “Helping Children Succeed.” According to Brooks, Tough cites the work of researchers as he asks how we can improve students’...
by Kairos Alive | Jun 9, 2016 | Article, Research
At the core of Kairos Alive! programs lie years of research, evidence and practice. We strive to provide education through sharing up-to-date, verifiable and relevant research. This excerpt from “The Importance of a Creative Arts Program for Senior Housing Residents”...
by Kairos Alive | Jun 8, 2016 | Press & Media, Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Kairos Partnering with Episcopal Homes and Midwest Special Services to host Participatory Arts Programming for Elders, Family Members and Caregivers MINNEAPOLIS – June 8, 2016 – Kairos Alive!, pioneers in participatory art and the creative...
by Kairos Alive | Jun 2, 2016 | Article, Dance Hall, Maria, Travel
I love dancing with people. I always find that after the first, sometimes awkward moment, most people really love to dance. They just need to know that they are welcome, be assured that there is no “right” way to dance and experience a model that demonstrates that...
by Kairos Alive | May 26, 2016 | Article, Dance Hall
Just as writers need blank paper and painters need blank canvases, communities need accessible open space to gather and celebrate. Public dances are examples of active community-making art that manifests itself through the people themselves. Although these kinds of...
by Kairos Alive | May 19, 2016 | Article, Internship
When I tell people I meet that my passion and current position involves dancing, singing and storytelling with elders and other under served populations, I tend to get a lot of perplexed looks. As a young Millennial with an almost-completed major in Arts Management,...