Six weeks ago Carla and Peter traveled with folks from The Dancing Heart group at Ebenezer Ridges Care Center to the Shrine circus at the Target Center in downtown Minneapolis. One of the highlights of that adventure was being greeted at the front door by real live clowns. After six weekly sessions of working on the circus theme, this week we presented The Ridges Dancing Heart Flying Cloud Circus to an audience of 80+ fellow residents where Beverly was officially inducted as a new clown.

A Baby Elephant walk by Ridges’ in-house day care kids under our own Big Top helped open the show.

A shadow puppet lion tamer tamed a fierce beast til he danced like a kitten.

Romeo the dancing dog helped us to share the joy of dance and unleash its power to nurture and to heal.

The Kairos Dancing Heart big top was a thrill for young and old, combining Creative Aging, Arts In Health Care, and Intergenerational Dance under one big tent~~~!


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