Dancing is About Moving

Dancing is About Moving

In an article originally posted on HowlRound in December, Maria Genné helped answer the question; where do older adults fit in to our world today? Today her insights form an important foundation for Kairos Alive! as we continue to dance, learn and grow. Dancing is...
Love is it, huh?

Love is it, huh?

In his New York Times column earlier this week, “The Building Blocks of Learning”, David Brooks references author Paul Tough’s new book, “Helping Children Succeed.” According to Brooks, Tough cites the work of researchers as he asks how we can improve students’...
Dancing in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Dancing in Santa Fe, New Mexico

I love dancing with people.  I always find that after the first, sometimes awkward moment, most people really love to dance. They just need to know that they are welcome, be assured that there is no “right” way to dance and experience a model that demonstrates that...