Wengler, Therese A. (2015) The Importance of a Creative Arts Program for Senior Housing Residents http://sophia.stkate.edu/ma_osot/8/
Holmes, Courtney (2015) The Importance of a Creative Dance and Story-Telling Program for Senior Housing Residents http://sophia.stkate.edu/ma_osot/7/
Enhancing Cognitive Fitness in Adults: A Guide to the Use and Development of Community-Based Programs https://kairosalive.org/enhancing-cognitive-fitness-in-adults-a-guide-to-the-use-and-development-of-community-based-programs/
The Osher LLI Review: Fall 2008, Volume 3 http://www.trailblz.info/kdt/documents/LLI%20Review%20KDT%202008.pdf